Prayer walkers at Walden are beginning to notice signs of spring. Rising water, greener trees, louder birds, and more people enjoying the pond have blessed us in recent days. As winter has turned to spring, we welcome new beginnings and pray together for release from the the burdens that bind us. In the words of Jan Richardson…
A Lazarus Blessing
The secret of this blessing is that it is written on the back of what binds you.
To read this blessing, you must take hold of the end of what confines you,
must begin to tug at the edge of what wraps you round.
It may take long and long for its length to fall away,
for the words of this blessing to unwind in folds about your feet.
By then you will no longer need them.
By then this blessing will have pressed itself into your waking flesh,
will have passed into your bones,
will have traveled every vein
until it comes to rest inside the chambers of your heart
that beats to the rhythm of benediction and the cadence of release.
As we live in the now and hope for what is to come, we are ever mindful of the challenges that life can bring. Many of our reflection conversations have offered opportunities for the prayer walkers to share joys and concerns and to ask for help in holding what is hardest. This hymn, sung at Special Music Sunday at WCUC, hit home for me – a sure reminder of the importance of companionship and the power of the Spirit moving among us.
We Yearn, O Christ, for Wholeness (To the Tune of O Sacred Head, Now Wounded)
We yearn, O Christ, for wholeness and for your healing touch;
Too long have we felt helpless; our burdens seemed too much.
Forgetting all pretenses, we make our pleadings heard,
in hope and expectation, await your gracious word.
We long to have companions who travel by our side,
strong friends to call and answer with whom we are allied;
As we lift up each other when struggles lay us low,
community develops; our faith and caring grow.
We need your living presence, O Christ of Galilee,
a presence that revives us and sets our spirits free.
No longer are we fearful, your love pervades each place.
Empower us with courage to claim your healing grace.