Birth to 6th Grade
Our staff and volunteers offer themselves as partners with you in the spiritual development of your children. Our emphasis is on learning, worship and service in an environment where children feel safe and loved.
Our Nursery: We offer nursery care from birth through age 5 in a safe, nurturing and developmentally appropriate space. Our nursery is staffed on most Sundays, and parents are welcome to stay if that is most comfortable, as our worship service is broadcast directly to the nursery on a small screen.
Sunday School: Our Sunday School program centers on a Multi-Age format with children exploring our Bible story and wondering together, followed by sensory-rich activities and opportunities for break-out groups and spaces led by staff and volunteers.
When and where are Sunday School classes held? Classes are held September-June, excepting the first Sunday of each month. Children begin their Sunday morning in worship and then move downstairs to their classrooms. Click here to learn more about our educational philosophy and multi-sensory curriculum, SHINE.
Welcoming All Ages and Abilities in Worship: On the first Sunday of the month, all ages worship together in a communion service designed for every age and all abilities. We invite you to witness the blessings of doing things together, and we welcome your help in making our shared worship a holy experience for everyone. Take a look at the wide variety of worship resources that we provide for all to access. Nursery care is available on first Sundays for children ages 5 and under if you wish to use it.
Why Invite Children into Worship? Research shows that participating in intergenerational worship that is accessible to them is one of the best ways to pass on faith values and practices to children – even better than Sunday School. We worship all together once each month to invest in our children and the future of the church, to learn from one another, and to witness the beauty of the whole church together. Jesus said: “Let the children come unto me.”
Young People’s Music (YPM) is for singers ages 5-18, and instrumentalists ages 6-18. YPM performs regularly during Sunday worship. Director Nan Gibbons leads YPM to develop age-appropriate musicality and have fun doing it. Practice is held most Sundays after church and new participants are always welcome.
Learn more about our Christian education staff.
For more information, please contact the Director of Children’s Ministries, Jessica Torgerson.
Read recent blog posts about our Children and Youth.