Last Sunday the Middler, Multiage, and Preschool classes continued our stories, our wondering, and our explorations together in a variety of ways. Here is a snapshot of what each class was up to:
- Gathered together by floating a hope (plastic egg) and sinking a worry (a rock) from the week
- Read the book Miracle Man by John Hendrix
- Talked about different people in our lives that we look up to the way the disciples looked up to Jesus
- Created GIANT airplanes that really flew!
- Set up props and acted out the story of the Good Shepherd and the Lost Sheep
- Hunted for “lost” sheep around the room
- Sang “The Shepherd had 100 Sheep” (to the tune of “The Ans go Marching”)
- Colored door hangers to invite neighbors and friends to our Open House
- Continued our explorations of the early church with puppets and props
- Created “sand hands” to represent how we are the hands of Jesus today, spreading his word and teachings
- Worked together with factory precision, focus, and dedication to finish decorating ALL the remaining door hangers for our Open House invitations. Kids estimated they colored about 250!
- Loved being the hands and feet of Jesus (“For real!”) as children and parents walked our neighborhood delivering our Open House invitations
Enjoy the pictures below of our fantastic Sunday together!
- Sink a worry; Float a hope
- Decorating our GIANT paper airplanes
- Writing uplifiting quotes and people
- Hard at work
- Flying!!!!
- Setting up our story of the Good Shepherd
- Don’t lose the sheep!
- After finding lost sheep around the room, we kept them safe
- Decorating door hangers to be distributed for our Open House
- Puppets, a “chariot”, and spreading the teachings of Jesus
- Creating sand hands
- Reminds us that we are the hands of Jesus now
- Busy colorers working to decorate 250 door hangers
- Done!