On the evening of Wednesday, March 1st, children, families, and adults came together to celebrate Ash Wednesday with a soup supper and a variety of prayer stations designed to help usher in the season of Lent. After sharing a meal together, children gathered on the stage to help plant marigold seeds in a variety of vases to be displayed on our alter table during the entire season of Lent (the seeds were already sprouting on Sunday, March 5th! So cool to see!). Then all ages enjoyed visiting our prayer stations set up in North Hall and in our nursery: layering colored sand, praying with Band-aids and Post-Its, decorating an Alleluia banner, stringing 40 beads to count the days of Lent, and creating personal marigold planters to bring home. In addition, our nursery was open to all for a candlelit indoor labyrinth walk, stone washing, and imposition of ashes. It was a beautiful evening enjoyed by all ages and abilities. Please enjoy the pictures!