On Palm Sunday, our children experienced Jesus’ final week through a variety of multisensory stations and activities. Check out the pictures of our journey!
Station #1: Building Jerusalem – the kids did an absolutely incredible job designing the city of Jerusalem with an array of amazing details.Station #2: Cleansing the Temple – Using shaving cream, the children wrote or draw ideas of what needs cleaning up in our world or things they might be sorry for. Then they smoothed it away and were able to start over.Station #3: Jesus’ Last Supper – Here, our children heard the story of Jesus’ final meal with his disciples and then enjoyed a small meal together with bread and juiceWe also explored a variety of artistic interpretations of Jesus’ Last Supper. Which one is your favorite?Station #4: The Garden of Gethsemane – Praying and meditating quietly with rocks in our gardenStation #5: Good Friday – Here, our children completed our Holy Week journey by dyeing eggs with natural food dyes: cabbage, tea, onion, beet, and turmeric. We buried them in color, just as Jesus was buried on Friday, and then had to be patient while we wait for the surprise. We will open our dye jars after Easter to discover what they look like inside!