On Saturday, December 9th, amid New England’s very first snowfall, more than a dozen families joined us for a special Advent experience centering around the tradition of Las Posadas. We read a story and sang an interactive song dramatizing Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem and their search for lodging (las posadas) and then journeyed together in song to our darkened sanctuary and lit candles one by one around the large labyrinth. Our crafts for the evening included creating lanterns, decorating a celestial map, and coloring a huge Advent poster (and don’t forget snacks, stories, and special nativity set explorations in the parlor!). And of course, each person experienced walking our labyrinth (some people walked it many times!) – some with their lanterns, some with their children or parents, and some just by themselves – and journeying in the light. It was an exceptional night of wonder and joy and peace for all. Please enjoy the many photos!