Last Sunday the children in all three Sunday school classes began a 4-week series of lessons about congregational giving and the special community of West Concord Union Church. We asked the children to think about our community as a puzzle – what are the essential pieces of WCUC? What happens if a piece is missing? The children thought of themselves as a piece of our puzzle too, recognizing (with the help of some very powerful quotes from other adult members) just how important their presence and energy are to the faith experiences of everyone. Next Sunday we will begin to talk more about money, learn about pledging and how the money is used at WCUC, and wonder about our dreams for the future.
In order to support the congregational giving appeal this year, the kids are again creating handmade greeting cards to sell during fellowship on November 11th. All proceeds from that sale will be counted by the children and offered as our 2019 pledge on November 18th. Check out the pictures to see a peek of their hard work and fantastic creations!