This past Sunday the Multiage class revisited last week’s lesson on building community by reflecting on how our own community has shifted spaces for the past several months during our renovation. Are we still a church community, even though we aren’t meeting in a church building? “Yes!” the kids all agreed, “We are still the same people!” Of course our WCUC church building has been in a physical transformation since the spring, and we decided that last Sunday was the perfect time to go visit our renovated church, as none of the children had really seen the progress or reflected on the changes. This was a fantastic field trip, filled with excitement and joy and lots and lots of observations. Here are some of the changes our children noticed:
“The outside steps are gone! And the door is gone! How will we get in?”
“There is new carpet in the sanctuary.”
“There’s only one step!”
“We have a ramp!”
“We have candles hanging from the ceiling.” (this is in reference to brand new lighting fixtures that do indeed look like large pillar candles)
“There are no chairs!”
“I notice it smells like wood. Like when my house got built.”
“The kitchen is awesome!”
“It looks a lot bigger” (referring to the sanctuary without furniture)
“It looks a lot smaller” (another observation of the sanctuary without furniture)
After our time observing and exploring, we walked back to CCC and completed our watercolor strips, which will be woven together with the strips from all of the other classes, Sunday Fellowship, and the strips the adults completed the first few weeks of September. We are literally weaving together our community! This woven artwork will be displayed soon as a celebration of our community and our journey together through this exciting renovation process. We can’t wait to gather in worship this Sunday to rejoice in our newly completed sanctuary!