We invite young people to explore faith and life through worship, Bible reflection and application, creative games, social outings, field trips to experience other faith traditions, and community service/social justice opportunities. On Sunday mornings from September – June, youth alternate between attending worship and classes that are designed to foster community building, open conversation, and deeper learning. These faith exploration classes generally meet on the second and fourth Sunday of the month. For more information, please email Joyce DeGreeff. Learn more about Joyce.
To see recent blog posts about our youth activities, click here.
The pastor and youth director work together to hold a confirmation class every few years, usually serving youth from 9th -10th grades. In these gatherings, youth explore concepts of God, Jesus, the Bible, worship, Christian history and church identity. All points of view are welcome and free thinking is encouraged. When the classes have been completed, each participant is asked to decide whether to be confirmed as a full adult member of the congregation. All of the youth are affirmed and celebrated during a confirmation service at the end of their studies.