From sharing a delicious meal together, to exploring a variety of interactive prayer stations, to quietly ushering in the season of Lent with prayer and music in our Vespers service, Ash Wednesday was filled with opportunities to nurture the spirit in preparation for Lent. How will you feast and fast this season to nurture yours?
The evening began with a shared soup supper Great food… …and wonderful company We then moved up to the sanctuary to explore the prayer stations Kinetic sand… …for meditation and writing what we are sorry for… …then smoothing away in forgiveness Writing our Lenten intentions What are you fasting from or feasting on this season? Strips are now the soil for our Lenten garden Watercoloring strips for jars Lots of jars for cuttings! Pick a size for your plant! Attaching the colored strip… …and carefully choosing a plant Carefully pouring… …and planting a cutting! Cutting our leaves and stems for our growing paper garden Meditating in our mini labyrinth Our garden is growing… …and growing… …and growing! How will you nurture your spirit this season? Later in the evening, our Vespers service began