Tagged with Service Sunday

Service Sunday 2024

WCUC and SACC members gathered to collaborate on packing 50 kids bags for Open table, crafted cards to give with love, replanted our accessible planter with bright fall colors, wrote notes of care, decorated a banner in preparation for Congregational Giving, and collected 16 bags and boxes of essential items including bedding, towels and kitchen items, one food processor and 4 lamps for Household Goods. Meanwhile we also got a chance to build new friendships and learn more about our mission partners. Thanks to all who led and participated!

Service Sunday #2!

We had a great crowd for our second Service Sunday and achieved a great deal, including:
– 30 backpacks packed for those released from incarceration with Concord Prison Outreach
– 52 bags of kid-friendly food packed in decorated bags for Open Table
– 120 pounds of additional miscellaneous groceries collected for Open Table
– 51 rocks painted to share with neighbors at the Healing Garden and our Welcome Garden
– Many cards of care for members and friends written
– 1 accessible planter constructed
– Cooperation and relationship building achieved between all ages and abilities
– Cheerful adjustments made as we realized that we had a good problem: too many people to keep busy with the tasks we had planned!

Take a look! Thanks to all who participated and supported this effort!

Service Sunday!

We tried a new experiment on May 15th, spending our Sunday morning in service together. Thanks to everyone who helped us:

  • Build 4 cedar planters for the new West Concord Habitat House
  • Assemble 15 kitchen starter kits and collect 20 bags and boxes of other kitchen supplies and linens for Household Goods (!!!)
  • Garden at the Minuteman Arc Pine Street House, adding flowers to beds and window boxes, refilling the bird feeders, repainting a mailbox, and cleaning the porch furniture;
  • Write over 30 notes of care and send advocacy letters to protect those who have been evicted
  • Plant seeds for pollinators and paint kindness rocks
  • Share our stories of service at WCUC and beyond!