Join us in the Garden
A space of rest, prayer, and play for all.
Our Welcome Garden was built during 2012 to offer a physically and spiritually accessible space for neighbors, friends, and visitors. It features a stone labyrinth built by Marty Kermeen, surrounded by beautiful landscaping provided by A Blade of Grass. Past and present members of West Concord Union Church provided the funding, and current members serve as a garden crew to keep it beautiful during the warmer months.
Labyrinths are found in many world cultures. They feature one circuitous path leading into the center and back again. In medieval Europe, labyrinths were used as a tool for Christian devotion, allowing believers to engage in the practice of pilgrimage without ever leaving home. In recent decades, labyrinths have re-emerged as a kinetic form of prayer or meditation, attractive to many both within and outside of Christian traditions. The labyrinth in the Welcome Garden is a simplified version of a design found in Chartres, France.
Our garden is directly next to the church building on Pine Street, and it is open to the public throughout the year. Please come and experience it for yourself. If you wish to bring a group, please contact our church office ahead of time.