Worship With Us!
We gather as the people of God to pray, to praise, to sing, to question, to learn, and to share the joys and sorrows of life at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday. Come and join us!
From September-June, our worship on the first Sunday of the month is designed for all ages, with more interaction and materials for children. On other Sundays during the school year, children start the morning in worship and then are invited to move downstairs for classes if they wish. Our Youth also meet twice a month during worship. Our nursery is open every Sunday during the program year.
Additional worship services are held once or twice a month on Sunday afternoons at 4pm as our Sunday Fellowship Ministry gathers.
During the summer, all ages worship together in a simple service held in our Welcome Garden or downstairs in North Hall.
At special times in the year, we also have additional worship services. Please check our Events page.
Baptism and Communion
We celebrate two sacraments: Baptism and Communion. Sacraments are physical signs of God’s grace among us.
Baptism happens only once for each person, either as a newborn or later in life. It signifies a recognition and confirmation of God’s original blessing, and marks the event of becoming part of the Christian community. Baptisms occur as a part of our Sunday morning worship.
Communion is the sharing of a meal (bread or rice cake and grape juice) in remembrance of Jesus. This practice brings us closer to God and unites us more closely with one another. Everyone is welcome at the table, with no exceptions. It is our practice to celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month.
If you are interested in baptism or have questions about communion, please talk with the Pastor.
Weddings and Memorials
Weddings, memorial services, and funerals are generally held only for those connected with the church, but exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Pastor. Weddings are performed for couples of all gender identities and sexual orientations. Couples are expected to meet with the Pastor three times prior to the wedding for premarital counseling and service planning. Please contact our office for current fees associated with these services.