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Our programs deepen the spiritual lives of people of all ages and abilities.

Children’s Ministry 

Birth to Grade 6

We offer Sunday School and Nursery Care during worship from September-June, with integrated all-ages worship on the first Sunday of each month. Our staff focuses on exploring stories and questions, providing sensory-rich activities, and helping kids become an active part of the wider faith community. We also have special events throughout the year to deepen our connections and invite intergenerational learning.

Youth Ministry 

Grades 7-12

We invite young people to explore faith and life through Bible reflection and application, creative games, social outings, and community service/social justice opportunities. On Sunday mornings during the school year, youth alternate between attending worship and classes designed to foster community building, open conversation, and deeper learning. 

Sunday Fellowship 


Sunday Fellowship (SF) is a ministry of worship and fellowship for adults of all abilities. Founded in 1982 to welcome neighbors with intellectual and developmental disabilities, SF has become a thriving community in its own right.  We gather two Sundays a month at 4 p.m. to sing our favorite songs, ask questions, study scripture, share joys and concerns and learn about God’s love. Don’t miss our annual special events including the Epiphany Pageant!


Our enthusiastic and diverse groups enliven our services with music from a variety of traditions, under the guidance of Music Minister Jim Barkovic . Learn more below. If you play a musical instrument (from accordion to zither and everything in between!) at the intermediate or advanced level and are potentially interested in playing during worship, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jim. 

WCUC Choir

Adult singers of all skill levels and experience are invited to participate in our choir, which sings during worship services each Sunday from September through May, and in special music services. Auditions are not required. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.

Young People's Music

YPM is for singers and instrumentalists ages 5-18. Director Nan Gibbons leads YPM to develop age-appropriate musicality and have fun doing it. The group performs regularly during Sunday morning worship. Practice is held most Sundays after church and new participants are always welcome.

Handbell Choir

Our Handbell Choir rehearses weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and plays during worship about once a month. The Schulmerich handbells were donated to the church in 1991 by the late Anna Damon.

Adult Enrichment


We offer opportunities for adult education throughout the year, including groups for learning and prayer, meditation walks, community connection, guest speakers, and retreats.

Service Activities


We have long-term relationships with local organizations including Minute Man Arc, Household Goods, Open Table, and Concord Prison Outreach. Our Discipleship Ministry leads us in collections, service opportunities, and advocacy. Each October we mark Service Sunday when we engage in hands-on projects on-site and dedicate 10% of our church budget to our mission partners.

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