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We strive to welcome everyone!

We gather from many backgrounds and experiences to deepen our spiritual lives, serve our neighbors, and share in community life.

You are Welcome

Our community includes folks of varying ages, religious and cultural backgrounds, and intellectual and physical abilities. We are “Open and Affirming,” welcoming people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We believe that Black Lives Matter. There is always more to learn as we deepen and widen our awareness.

Who We Are

Our congregation was founded in 1891 as a “Union” church for neighborhood Protestants of every denomination. We are now a part of the United Church of Christ, which is known for its dedication to social issues and the way it honors each individual’s spiritual discernment.  Our theology is progressive, inviting diverse understandings of how ancient teachings are relevant today. In all that we do, we hope to show love for God and our neighbors.

In 2024 we welcomed members of South Acton Congregational Church as they began nesting with our congregation. Learn more here.

We are Proud of

Our Ministry

with folks with developmental disabilities

Our Love

for the earth and our carbon-neutral church building

Our Music

Our excellent music program enhances Sunday worship

Our Programs

We offer dynamic enrichment for children, youth, and adults

Meet The Team

Our dynamic ministry team works diligently to spread the good news of Jesus, working for a world of justice and joy!


Rev. Hannah Brown

Hannah loves learning from and ministering with this wonderful community. Together, we can discover more just and joyful ways to live. Hannah received her Master of Divinity degree from Union Theological Seminary in New York City and has served as pastor here since 2009. In 2022, she began writing and publishing hymn texts; learn more about her hymns at

Minister of Music

James Barkovic

Jim enthusiastically welcomes musicians of all ages and abilities to participate in the musical life of the church. He is an accomplished church musician and choral, vocal, and instrumental accompanist who also serves as director of music at Holy Family Parish, a Roman Catholic congregation across town. Jim is also the artistic director of the Westford Chorus, the assistant director and accompanist for the Spectrum Singers, the chapel organist at Middlesex School, and the choir director/pianist at Temple B’nai Shalom in Westborough, Massachusetts.

Director of Children's Ministries

Jessica Torgerson

Jessica’s passion for deep faith connections shines through her creative and innovative programming, her skilled approach at meeting each child where they are, and her ability to integrate the children into the wider church community and beyond. Outside of WCUC, she teaches at Blanchard Elementary School, is a mother of three, loves eating pasta and bread in any shape and size, and is an avid fan of Pure Barre.

Director of Youth Programming, Adult Enrichment, and Congregational Care

Joyce DeGreeff

Joyce serves our church community in a few different ways.  As director of the Youth Group, she brings over 20 years of experience in both parenting and college chaplaincy to bear on her work with young people as they search for meaning, ask big questions, and navigate life’s ups and downs.  With a passion for engaging faith in the world around us, Joyce organizes service opportunities, field trips, and other faith formation activities that invite young people to contemplate Jesus’ teachings of radical hospitality and love for all without exceptions.  Joyce also facilitates adult enrichment opportunities for the congregation that explore spiritual topics, deepen relationships, and foster understanding, empathy, and action on behalf of marginalized people.  Joyce also coordinates congregational care by communicating with lay volunteer helpers, organizing outreach, and visiting with folks in person to provide pastoral care.

Director of Sunday Fellowship

Rev. Melissa Tustin

Melissa Tustin is a passionate believer in the healing power of inclusive community. She is also a mother of three, an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and a lover of Zumba. At WCUC, she works with Sunday Fellowship, a ministry of worship and friendship for people of all abilities.

Director of Young People's Music and Sunday Fellowship Choir

Nan AK Gibbons

Nan AK Gibbons is a music teacher, composer, artist and writer living in central Massachusetts. Nan also directs Shir Joy Chorus, a Jewish community chorus based at B’nai Shalom in Westborough. She teaches at Groton Farm School, Joy of Music Program, Nashoba Montessori School, Seven Hills Foundation, and Minuteman ARC. She taught chorus and arts integration for 12 years in Worcester’s Public Schools for the Metropolitan Opera Guild. Nan has a Masters of Education in Music and a Masters of Arts in Theology, Worship and the Arts.

Elementary Sunday School Teacher

Thais Ligo

Thais is from Brazil and has been living in the U.S. with her husband and son for more than eight years, with the last two years in West Concord. She is so happy to be part of this wonderful community that welcomed her and her family so warmly. She loves to work with kids and help them develop their skills and learn about God. It is a beautiful path and she feels lucky to participate in their faith journey.

PR Assistant

Emily Barkovic

Emily grew up in this church family and has always adored the community created here. As the social media and PR representative, she strives to spread the word of this community so that others may find a home here as well. Aside from her role at WCUC, Emily is a stage and screen actor. She currently resides in New York City with her poodle/terrier mix, Honeycrisp.

Director of Operations

Judy Rosenbaum

Since 2008 Judy has provided a friendly welcome to all who contact the church. In addition, she manages the office and building, assists with communications including bulletins and newsletters, and coordinates and schedules the use of church spaces by congregation members and outside groups and individuals.

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