Posted in Fellowship

Healing with Hope Retreat: Food for the Soul

  • May 16, 2024

“We who have taken refuge might be strongly encouraged to seize the hope set before us. We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor for the soul.” -Hebrews 6: 18-19

A weekend filled with prayer, scripture, song, sharing, reflection, rest, companionship, creativity, nature, art, poetry and laughter is a perfect recipe for “Healing with Hope in Harsh Times”. This was the theme of the 2024 WCUC Women’s Retreat @ Craigville Conference Center on Cape Cod. Surrounded by beautiful scenery and the company of old and new friends, ranging in age from 25-92, the time away provided us with renewed spirits and fresh energy for the road ahead.

Navigating Transitions with Spiritual Practices

  • April 30, 2024

Life can sometimes feel like it’s one transition after another. Whether big or small, these transitions can be both exciting and challenging. There’s no one right way to get through them, but often it’s helpful to share our experiences, learn from one another, and find support for the journey. Such was the case on Saturday, April 20th when these folks pictured below came together for prayer and meditation, sharing and discernment, faith formation and food fellowship. Rev. Matt Carriker, the retreat facilitator, taught the group how to use the Quaker practice of Clearness Committees to understand liminal spaces in our lives as well as Lectio Divina, a contemplative practice of reading Scripture for deeper, more personal meanings.  Through conversation and spiritual practices, the retreat participants came away with various tools for navigating transitions in their lives as well as a few new friends for the road ahead.

Embodied Spirituality: A Lenten Journey

  • March 20, 2024

As we traveled through Lent this year with the theme of “The Body Remembers”, adults were offered opportunities to try out a few embodied spiritual practices. The series opened with a session on various forms of meditation including a body scan and breathing techniques. Next, Ellie Horwitz led us in Qi Gong teaching us about body energy and deliberate movement and balancing practices. This was followed by Nan Gibbons who led us in a drum circle – the art of using our hands to make music together, basking in sound vibrations and building community. Next we tried some hand reflexology and chair yoga. And finally, we used our hands to create warmth and comfort for others making several fleece blankets for Project Linus to be distributed to children in hospitals, shelters, and foster care. You can read about this great organization here: We had such a good time feeling the Spirit in our bodies, learning some new practices, and being creative together for the sake of our neighbors.

Bibles, Blessings and Yummy Bites

  • February 7, 2024

On Sunday, we honored our three third graders with their special bible gift from WCUC. To celebrate, our three bible boys helped to host coffee hour after worship! Special goodies and expertly passed hors d’oeuvres delighted the congregation, and crumbs and spills were cleaned away in mere seconds by our attentive coffee hour hosts. A wonderful celebration for all!

Advent Firepit Magic

  • December 20, 2023

Thanks to all who came to lead and participate in our gathering with food, fellowship, and carols!

Sacred Time and Holy Connections

  • November 29, 2023

In a world where many feel isolated, disconnected, or even invisible, it’s increasingly important for our church to find ways to bring people together. Now that we’ve made it through the pandemic and we’re not forced to look at each other only on computer screens, our in person gatherings feel even more special. Whether we’re at Walden Pond for walking prayer enjoying the company of others in nature, at With Us Wednesdays sharing stories and laughter, or baking pies together for church members who could use some extra cheer this year, the people of WCUC – young, old, and young at heart – are finding comfort and joy in this weary world.

“With Us Wednesdays” Returns

  • September 26, 2023

On the third Wednesday of every month, the parlor at WCUC is transformed into a community space where members and friends come to enjoy refreshments, conversations, and games/puzzles. The space is open from 10:30am – 12noon and is open for adults of all ages and abilities. Transportation is also provided by volunteers so please email Joyce ( if you need or could offer a ride. Our next two gatherings will be on November 15th and December 20th.

Palm, Passion and Pony Sunday!

  • April 12, 2023

Worship was filled with palms, Sunday School was busy making communion bread and remembering Jesus’ last supper, and the whole congregation gathered outside for a neighborhood palm parade – with ponies! Our festive day ended with pony rides for all who wanted them, including some staff. 🙂

Fire Pit Fun!

We gathered around our fire pit again for hot dogs, s’mores, carols, and fellowship! Thanks to everyone who helped host and those who attended!

Celebrating Pride, Open & Affirming, and Susan!

We had a big celebration on June 12th at the end of our program year. Take a look!